BLaST Intermediate Unit 17 is proud to announce its selection as one of ten Intermediate Units across the Commonwealth to receive a grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Education to support gifted education across our region. The grant aims to build the capacity of educators in providing gifted education programming in Pennsylvania schools.

“We are honored to receive this competitive grant, which allows BLaST to serve as a regional leader for gifted education. This funding is a crucial step in ensuring that educators across our region have the resources and expertise needed to support the unique needs of gifted students.” – Dr. Steinbacher-Reed, BLaST Executive Director. 

BLaST IU 17 will receive funding over the next five years to establish the IU as a training hub for schools within its four-county region. Funding will be used to build capacity in supporting educators with tools and strategies, as well as preparing caregivers with tools and resources for advanced education. Through this initiative, IU 17 will collaborate with local education agencies (LEAs), state-level leads, and national leaders to advance best practices in gifted education.

The grant program is funded through the federal Javits Gifted and Talented Students Education Program, which provides technical assistance and support to school districts. BLaST IU 17 will leverage this funding to collaborate with institutions of higher education to prepare pre-service teachers to better serve underrepresented gifted students, support families, and create an inclusive educational environment where every student’s potential is recognized and supported.

BLaST IU 17 is committed to transforming lives and communities through educational services. This grant is a significant step forward in our mission to provide access to gifted education for all students within our four-county region.