
Year Two Professional Development sessions (*see schedule) include updated training on the Cicero: History Beyond the Textbook online application as well as content and instructional strategies presentations from the Early 1800’s to the Gilded Age and Industrial Revolution in America. The resources used for the presentations are posted below in the order listed on the agenda for each session.

*BLaST IU 17 TAH Grant Professional Development Schedule, Year 2 (2011-12)


Orientation: Cicero Training and Lesson/Unit Planning Process, September 20, 2011

BLAST IU 17 Colloquium Agenda, September 20, 2011

1 Introduction to Cicero, Dr. Fran Macko

2 Lesson-Unit Planning Process, Dr. Fran Macko

BLaST Lesson Plan Template

BLaST Lesson Plan Rubric

BLaST Lesson Refection Form

Fall Colloquium, November 17-18, 2011

BLAST Fellowship Fall Colloquium Agenda Nov 17-18 2011

1 Reading the American Cemetery, Part I, Dr. Tom Connors

2 Reading the American Cemetery, Part II, Dr. Tom Connors

Reading the American  Cemetery, Slide Descriptions

Possible Cemetery Projects for Students

Sample Cemetery Project

3 Walking the Trail of Tears, Lucinda Evans

Cherokee Alphabet letters

SPEECH Graphic Organizer

Documenting “The Trail of Tears”: William Clark Letters 1-5

4 Concept-Based Teaching, Robby Brown

5 Reform Movements of the 1800’s: A Concept-Based Approach, Robby Brown

6″Philosophical Chairs”: Slave vs. Free Debate Using Primary Sources, Lucinda Evans

American Slavery As It Is, Theodore Weld

The Blessings of Slavery, George Fitzhugh    Cannibals All, George Fitzhugh

Pro-Slavery Argument in the 1830’s    Passage from The Liberator 

The Gathering Storm, Hinton Rowan Helper

7 The Rise of Common Man: Jacksonian Democracy, Robby Brown

Winter Colloquium, February 8-9, 2012

BLAST IU 17 Winter Colloquium Agenda, Feb. 8-9, 2012

1 TheFugitive Slave Experience, Dr. Judith Geisberg

Runaway Slaves Advertisements, 1734-1783

2 White Out: Improving Historical Literacy through Primary Sources, Anthony Fitzpatrick

3 Re-thinking Causes of the Civil War, Dr. Judith Geisberg

Causes of the Civil War; A Historiography, Dr, Judith Geisberg

The “Great Truth” about the “Lost Cause”, James W. Loewen

Getting the Civil War Right (article from Teaching Tolerance), James W. Loewen

4 Qestioning the Text: Slave Narratives, Dr. Fran Macko

Question-Answer relationships Chart

Question-answer Relationships Graphic Organizer

A Slave’s Experience: Narrative of Mary Reynolds

5 Dred Scott Re-visited: Teaching about Slavery and Gender, Dr. Judith Geisberg

Spring Colloquium, April 26-27, 2012

BLaST IU 17 Spring Colloquium Agenda, April 26-27 2012

1 The Mexican War, Dr. Matthew Pinsker

Robert E. Lee and the Mexican War

A House Divided: The Civil War Research Engine at Gettysburg College

2 Picturing History: The Mecican War, Dr. Fran Macko

Painting Analysis Worksheet    Small Group Discussion Questions.

Painting: Scott in Mexico City    Drawing of Mexican Man

3 The Lincoln-Douglas Debates, Dr. Matthew Pinsker

Behind the Lincoln-Douglas Debates

Lincoln’s “Bare Suggeston”

4 Web Projects: A House Divided, Decade of Crisis, Dr. Matthew Pinsker

5 Teaching the Election of 1860, Dr. William Ross

Democratic Platform 1860

Republican Platform 1860

Summer Institute, June 19-22, 2012

BLAST IU 17 Summer Institute Agenda, June 19-22 2012

June 19-20, 2012

1 Overview: North vs. South, Dr. John Sacher

2 Creating Reader’s Theater: Voices of the Civil War, Nancy Taylor

Reader’s Theater Document Packet

3 Why the North Won, Dr. John Sacher

4 Civil War Music, Nancy Taylor

Civil War Music Lesson

5 Presidential Reconstruction (1863-1867), Dr. John Sacher

6 Radical Reconstruction (1867-1876), Dr. John Sacher

7 Writing Strategies for Social Studies, Martha Fenstermacher

TWIST Graphic Organizer

June 21-22, 2012

8 The 8 “Ates” of Immigration, Dr. Kevin Brady

9 The American West, Dr. Paul Rosier

Westward Expansion Primary Sources, Set 1

Westward Expansion Primary Sources, Set 2

10 The Industrial Revolution: A Godsend, Dr. Kevin Brady

11 Gender in Post-Civil War America, Dr. Paul Rosier

Primary Source Documents:

A Virginia Freedwoman Critiques the Gendered Nature of Freedom and Free Labor
[Franklin County, Va. October 1866]

Sex in Education; or, A Fair Chance for Girls. Edward H. Clarke, M.D., 1875

The Women’s Centannial Agenda, 1876

Elizabeth Cady Stanton, “Solitude of Self,” Address before the U. S. Senate Committee on Woman Suffrage, February 20, 1892 

12 The Gilded Age : The Triumph of Capitalism, Dr. Kevin Brady

Primary Source Documents:   Cheered, Mary E. Lease      What’s the Matter with Kansas?

13 Southern and Urban Economies and the Development of  Jim Crow Laws, Dr. Paul Rosier

Southern and Urban Economies and Jim Crow Outline Notes

Urban Economy Primary Source Documents 

Jim Crow Primary Source Documents 

“The South and Her Problems”, Henry W. Grady, 1887

14 Teaching Immigration, Industrialization and the Gilded Age:
Strategies for Differentiation and Critical Analysis, Margaret Tran

Immigration and Inductrialization, Margaret Tran

Cartoon Analysis Sheet      Cartoons

Immigration Images      Immigration Web Assignment 

Teaching with Documents – Ellis Island      Teaching with Documents – Immigration

Photographic Analysis Sheet

Readers Theater – Emma Lazarus

Selected Websites on the Immigrant Experience