The BLaST IU17 STEM Design Challenge raises awareness of the importance of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education. Students in Grades 4-8 participate in an exciting competition where they are tasked with designing, developing, and implementing a solution to an engineering problem. Students are scored on creativity, teamwork, and the challenge’s success.
Regional Registration: BLaST IU 17 STEM Design Registration
Regional Competition: April 15, 2025
Lycoming College, Williamsport, PA
State Competition: The 2025 state competition will be held on Friday, May 9 at the Farm Show Complex in Harrisburg, PA
2025 Challenge
In this challenge, elementary and middle school students will focus on Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure (UN Sustainable Development Goal 9) by designing a prototype that addresses a real-world problem related to infrastructure, transportation, or urban development. The goal is to inspire students to think about how cities, roads, bridges, and systems can be built or improved to be more efficient, sustainable, and accessible. Please review the attachment for other important details like competition components and rules, judging criteria, and more!
Over the last year, we have noticed that it is becoming increasingly difficult to purchase or find K’Nex pieces and motors. Because of this, we wanted to add a new product for schools to consider using – Engino. Teams may continue to use K’Nex, move to Engino, or use a combination of both products. Incorporating a K’Nex motor is no longer required.
ThermoFisher will be offering an Engino kit for STEM Design Challenge for $75 in the coming weeks. Check here: Search Results Page | Fisher Scientific
• Awards will be given to top three teams in grades 4-5 and grades 6-8
• The 1st place team in each division (grades 4-5 and grades 6-8) at each Intermediate Unit regional
competition will advance to the state competition.
Parts of the competition:
Design Notebook
- This should be a journal of the team’s progress from start to finish.
- The Notebook should include elements of the Engineering Design Process.
- Resources for Design Notebooks
- A blueprint is a technical drawing or design plan for a project. It is used to represent the final product.
- Blueprints for the STEM Design Challenge can be a drawing, cad drawing, online sketch, etc. Be creative!
- Resources for blueprint ideas
- Teams will answer the challenge by creating a prototype of their idea using K’Nex and/or Engino.
- Teams may include a backdrop or artwork, but judges will not consider this in their scoring.
- Projects must fit on a 6-foot-long table. Water may not be used in the display.
Scoring Rubrics
Teams may use the rubrics below while preparing their projects:
Contact Amanda Fair with any questions.