Paraprofessionals, whether they serve as instructional and/or personal care assistants, play an important role in providing services for students, teachers, and parents, as well as enhancing access to the general education program for students with disabilities. This section features interviews and classroom lesson clips of paraprofessionals and other support personnel, such as a school nurse, licensed practical nurse, and educational interpreter, in providing assistance and support for students with disabilities.

Interviews and Conferences

Introduction of paraprofessionals / other support personnel

What is your greatest challenge in working in an inclusive classroom?

How do you plan, collaborate and communicate with the classroom teacher, special education teacher, other school personnel, and parents?

What progress/growth (academics, social interactions, confidence level, etc.) have you seen in students with disabilities as well as other students?

Describe the on-going training/support activities in which you participate.

What advice or suggestions would you provide to a person who may want to work with students with disabilities?

Classroom Video Clips

Paraprofessionals assist students with use of supplementary aids, assistive devices, and other services according to the provisions of the Individualized Education Program.

Paraprofessionals support appropriate interaction of students with disabilities with peers and/ or teachers.

Paraprofessionals enable students to ask questions of the teacher or peers.

Paraprofessionals, as appropriate, serve the entire class, not only individual students.

Paraprofessional, if applicable, assists the student without interfering with appropriate peer assistance or developing an overdependence of the student on the assistance of the paraprofessional.

If applicable, health services personnel are involved in the planning and delivery of appropriate supplementary aids and services for students with disabilities.

Click here  to access professional development resources on the Role of Paraprofessionals in educating students with disabilities.