pencilsThe Professional Development Office of the Division of Educational Planning is a primary service BLaST Intermediate Unit 17 provides to districts and organizations in our service area. Our education consultants offer professional development in support of Regular and Special Education such as PSSA Strategies, Differentiated Instruction, Standards Aligned System and Learning-Focused Schools as well as Behavior, Transition, Assistive Technology, and more. Our Professional Development Program cultivates opportunities for the IU Faculty and Staff as well as the public school districts and private schools we serve.

Our goals are to continue to enhance our current face-to-face professional development opportunities while integrating online offerings in an effort to better serve our large geographic region. To this end we continually strive to provide opportunities for learning that integrate face-to-face, online and hybrid learning experiences.

Please consult ELRNR for workshop descriptions, scheduling and registration information.

Professional Development Request Form – please use this form to request professional development services for delivery in your district/organization facilities. In addition to delivering the offerings listed in the ELRNR, IU 17 will customize professional development to meet the unique needs of your district, school or organization.

Introduction to PVAAS Sessions – Download a PDF version of the Pennsylvania Value-Added Assesment System Professional Development Opportunities Online and On-site at IUs.

Student Learning Objective (SLO) template – (Microsoft Word)

FAQs regarding Professional Development

Nancy Regopoulos
Administrative Assistant
570.323.8561 Ext. 1013