
Welcome to our next installment of the IEP Best Practice Series!  This month, we’ll review the Special Considerations section of the IEP.  There are six “yes/no” questions that IEP teams need to consider at the start of the IEP.  Any of these questions that have a “yes” answer need to be addressed in the Present Levels section and other sections as applicable.  Join us as we comb through these questions, understanding how to properly answer them and the next steps that need to be taken with “yes” answers.

We will be taking a month off in this series for March, but back in April to learn all about the Special Education / Related Services / Supplementary Aides and Services/Program Modifications section of the IEP, please join us!


Presentation Slides

Answering Special Considerations for Students who are Blind or Visually Impaired

Communication Considerations for Students who are Deaf, Hard of Hearing, or Deaf-Blind

Assistive Technology in the IEP

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