The Governor’s STEM Competition is an annual event to research and identify a real-world challenge facing Pennsylvanians. This year’s theme for the competition is “Improving Pennsylvania Through STEM.” Teams of high school students from across the state will be challenged to research, present, and design a device or project that can make the quality of life better for citizens of Pennsylvania. The device will accomplish a series of practical tasks that can be translated into real life needs. High school teams will be provided with a $500 stipend to design and build a prototype of their device.
In the identification and research of a team’s authentic problem, students will engage with their local communities to learn about STEM-related careers. Developing solutions to problems rooted in the community will build the skills necessary for students to be successful in postsecondary STEM opportunities.
To culminate the experience, students will be asked to present their findings and explain the practical applications of their device to a panel of judges. The challenge will test teams’ communication, problem solving, and critical thinking skills while providing a unique opportunity to share their creativity with students from across the state.
The competition is open to students in grades 9 through 12 attending public, charter, private, and career and technical education centers in Pennsylvania. Schools will select a team of up to five students. Students will work under the guidance of a teacher mentor approved by the school.
The BLaST IU17 Regional Competition will be held on February 5, 2020 at Lamade Gymnasium at Lycoming College in Williamsport PA.
Competition Information
- STEM Education in Pennsylvania
- Regional Qualifying Competition Overview
- State Competition Overview
- Team Information
Important Dates to Remember
August 30, 2019
Registration opens.
November 20, 2019
Deadline for teacher advisors to register for the competition, make school participation commitments, and submit information on students/team members for regional qualifying competitions.
Month of January 2020
Deadline for teams to email their device/project proposal (Phase 1) and student permission forms to their respective IU. NOTE: The final submission date is January 31!
February 1, 2020 – February 29, 2020
Regional qualifying competitions take place at each of the IUs. A regional winner will be selected and will be moving on to the state competition.
February 29, 2020
Deadline for all regional competitions to be completed.
April 24, 2020
Deadline for regional winners to submit their written documentation and video journal. Preliminary judging begins.
May 7 – 8, 2020
State competition at the Dixon University CenterOpens In A New Window in Harrisburg, PA.
For information or questions please contact:
Rebecca Gibboney
Curriculum and Online Learning Specialist
BLAST IU 17 – Williamsport
570-323-8561 ext. 1081