Complete Monitoring with Complete Reporting
The Network Monitoring, Outage Notification and Reporting Tool used by BLaST Intermediate Unit 17 is a way to monitor network connectivity, and report on many aspects of utilization of switches, routers and firewalls all the way down to the individual port on every device. Every device monitored on the network via SNMP will be polled every 60 seconds and provide great visibility into how much bandwidth is being used at any time of the day.
The Benefits You Can See.
BLaST IU17’s monitoring solution is highly scalable network monitoring software. One of the greatest benefits of this monitoring system is that historical data is never rolled up or repackaged over time, so the end user can report down to any five minute interval historically for as long as the monitor has been collecting data. As the monitor is put into production, very accurate details of the network begin to present themselves such as bandwidth utilization throughout the day, any errors or discards on any ports, and actual physical (or virtual) port usage on each device. Knowing these details are crucial for planning upgrades and device replacement and in many cases will help to save money purchasing hardware.
Technical Details:
BLaST IU #17’s Network Monitoring, Outage Notification and Utilization Reporting Tool is a web-based application and can be accessed over PAIUnet and/or the Internet. End-users must have a network connection with a current browser. Adobe Reader is required to view PDF versions of reports. The Network Monitoring Tool can either be hosted at BLaST Intermediate Unit 17 (standard deployment) or for an additional fee, a local server can be deployed local at each school district or IU. For any sites that will host their own monitoring server, a physical server will be required to install the monitoring software.
Cost Structure:
For BLaST IU#17 Hosted PAIUnet Sites:
- Participating school districts and IU’s will be charged a base fee of $1000.00 for setup and installation of the monitoring software as well as integration into the network.
- For a monthly fee of $150.00, an unlimited number of devices and ports can be monitored. Fees include unlimited support to the end users (administrators and technicians) via email or telephone.
For Locally hosted on Non-PAIUnet Sites:
- Participating school districts and IU’s will be charged a base fee of $1000.00 for setup and installation of the monitoring software as well as integration into the network.
- For a monthly fee of $250.00, an unlimited number of devices and up to 1500 ports can be monitored. Fees include unlimited support to the end users (administrators and technicians) via email or telephone.
- Partner IU’s will receive 1% of annual fees for each participating school district within their local IU. PAIUnet will receive 1% of annual fees for each participating school district.
For more information about the BLaST IU 17 Network Monitoring System, please contact
Sales and Support Information
Jon Paulhamus [CCNP, JNCIP-ENT, MCSE]
Assistant Director of Technology
570-323-8561 Ext: 1006
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