THE Accelerated
Learning System
As we plan for the 2021-22 school year, the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE), PA Intermediate Units (IUs) and Pennsylvania Training and Technical Assistance Network (PaTTAN) provide this resource bank for school leaders with the goal of helping teachers, support staff, families, and students emerge from these unprecedented times and start a new school year stronger than ever and focused on accelerating learning .
To offer support, we turn our focus to these critical needs and opportunities and offer a new phase of the Roadmap: Accelerated Learning through an Integrated System of Support.
This new series provides a systematic process and technical support for school communities to make key decisions for the start of the new year. It introduces a Cycle of Continuous Improvement mindset that will lead to strategic vision, needs assessment, planning, implementation, monitoring, and adjusting. Most importantly, each system supports the success of the others.
BLAST iu 17
Professional Learning
Accelerated Learning toolkit
Planning Template (Word)
Watch past Accelerated
Learning Webinars
Explore Accelerated Learning
Through An
Integrated System of Support
Focus on High-Quality Academics
Define the instructional changes needed for the new school year and cultivate a thriving data culture to ensure every student has access to the instructional strategies, resources and supports necessary to successfully engage with and master grade-level content.
Foster Supportive
Learning Environments
Place equitable, trauma-informed principles at the core of planning to create a safe and inclusive space for learning, form positive and supportive relationships, and support students and staff mentally and socially.
Establish HEALTHY
SYSTEM Conditions
Engage stakeholders across your education community to fully understand the needs of your system and respond with staffing, technology, scheduling and continuous improvement processes that create the conditions for acceleration of learning.
Provide a continuum of evidence-based academic, behavioral, social, and emotional supports aligned with student needs.
DR. BROOKE BEiTER | Director OF Educational Planning

This series will explore common practices in balanced literacy and deepen the understanding of research and resources to enhance reading instruction for all students. There will be a heavy emphasis on language comprehension, phonological awareness, phonics, high frequency words, and choosing appropriate texts for all levels of readers. Educators will be revamping their toolkits through discussion, modeling, and bridge to practice opportunities.
LETRS addresses four critical outcomes for effective literacy instruction: understanding the science of reading, converting research to practice, enhancing teacher effectiveness, and transforming instruction. By understanding the “why” behind science and evidence-based research, educators can effectively know how to aid students in learning to read. With Bridge to Practice activities, educators implement the knowledge gained directly into their classrooms.
Teaching Deliberate Analysis is designed to provide a close read on Text-Dependent Analysis through an instructional lens, rather than a focus on assessment. This professional development offering will take the form of a professional learning network for administrators, curriculum coordinators and teacher leaders (grades K-8) who are willing to collaborate in round table discussions and dive deeper with text-dependent analysis. Participants will gain a deep understanding of learning progressions and replacement units in order to monitor student growth and differentiate classroom instruction.
With the commitment of the state funds to promote the growth of equitable STEM opportunities for all students, we are again able to offer participation in ITC at no cost to districts. The Innovation & Technology Collaborative (ITC) is a network of educators and administrators interested in implementing 21st Century approaches to transform teaching and learning.
Collaborate and network with Computer Science teachers and leaders from districts in the BLaST IU17 region. This collaborative will share ideas (new and old), dive into CSTA Standards, develop course work and support one another to lead the way for Computer Science in our region. This group will focus on local and statewide Computer Science initiatives and how to instill the values of the critical thinking, communication, collaboration and creativity in 21st Century Learners.
- The Governor’s STEM Competition challenges student teams from across the state to research, design, and present a device or project that can make the quality of life better for Pennsylvanians by accomplishing a series of practical tasks that can fulfill real-world needs.
- K’NEX Education® sets are designed to maximize student engagement in today’s busy classroom. Sets feature hands-on, inquiry-based lesson plans that help teach STEM topics and are aligned to national education standards.
- The PA Media and Design Competition is an annual event that highlights Pennsylvania students’ application skills, creativity and knowledge. Students are able to unleash their creativity, learn how to convey information more dynamically, and enhance the learning process.
Engage learners in an inquiry-based teaching strategy that allows students to explore questions, investigate through research and collaboration, and present findings. Free training on how to facilitate StartSOLE is provided to all BLaST IU 17 educators.
We are thrilled to share our lending library with you and encourage you to take full advantage of all of the items we have available. As we continue to add to our inventory, we will keep this page updated. Below you will find some of our larger items and some of the books we have available to borrow. School district administration, faculty, and staff, affiliated with IU 17, can check out items from the Lending Library.
Understand how to analyze local assessment data and make data-driven decisions to inform best practices and move instruction in the classroom. BLaST IU 17’s Curriculum Specialists are available for 1:1, small group, or district-wide support.
Engineering is Elementary (EiE) creates generations of problem solvers through STEM learning experiences that surprise, delight, and inspire lifelong learners. The programs encourage all children to envision themselves as engineers. EiE has curriculum aligned to grade bands: Wee Engineer (ages 3-5), EiE for Kindergarten (ages 6-8), Engineering is Elementary (grade 1-5), plus more! This training will provide an overview of engineering, as well as focus on the unites within the different curriculum and how those units can be integrated into your already taught curriculum.
Engineering by Design (EbD) is built on the belief that the ingenuity of children is untapped, unrealized potential that, when properly motivated, will lead to the next generation of technologists, innovators, designers, and engineers. Join this virtual training to learn how to integrate a curriculum in your content area to have your students learning concepts and principles in an authentic problem-/project-based environment. This curriculum uses all four STEM content areas, as well as English Language Arts, to help students understand the complexities of tomorrow.
This pathway is an experience for all K-8 educators consisting of asynchronous and synchronous activities that support participants in the development and implementation of a small-scale implementation pilot to expand Computer Science (CS) access for students. The pathway supports K-8 educators involved with CS instruction, whether as a stand-alone class or by integrating CS concepts and practices into other content-are instruction. It is recommended, but not required, that LEAs engage with a team of 2 educators to allow for collaboration throughout the pathway.

Supportive Learning Environments
Taking Positive Action | REGISTER NOW
Address the need for substance abuse programs and resources for your students with the program Positive Action. Positive Action promotes a healthy self-concept by emphasizing effective self-management, social skills, character, and mental health, plus skills for setting and achieving goals.
School Counselor Cohort | REGISTER NOW
This Professional Learning Opportunity for K-12 school counselors will occur three times a year. The cohort package is intended for the consistent attendance of a school counselor for all three sessions. The full-day professional learning topics will reference ASCA recognized materials, PDE initiatives, local community efforts, and district needs.
QPR Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Training | REGISTER NOW
QPR stands for Question, Persuade, and Refer — the 3 simple steps anyone can learn to help save a life from suicide. Just as people trained in CPR and the Heimlich Maneuver help save thousands of lives each year, people trained in QPR learn how to recognize the warning signs of a suicide crisis and how to question, persuade, and refer someone to help. Each year thousands of Americans, like you, are saying “Yes” to saving the life of a friend, colleague, sibling, or neighbor.
Youth Mental Health First Aid| | REGISTER NOW
help young people in both crisis and non-crisis situations. Topics include • Common signs and symptoms of mental illness in this age group, including: » Anxiety » Depression » Eating disorders » Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD)
Trauma Informed Collaborative | REGISTER NOW
In this collaborative, we will be focusing on the Four R’s of Trauma-Informed Care from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) as it relates to student development and school culture. Each session will offer evidence-based practices that will help you develop a deeper understanding of trauma, its impact on both educators’ and students’ learning and engagement, and strategies for avoiding re-traumatization.
PBIS COACHES Collaborative
Dive deeper into your role as a PBIS Coach and have the opportunity to connect with other Coaches from our Region. Each session will offer fidelity-based practices that will help your team develop the skills they need for successful implementation of PBIS at any Tier. Training that is provided will focus on building your capacity as a Coach in a learning and workshopping format.
BLaST IU 17’s Restorative Practices provides educators with strategies that they can use every day to set high expectations, while still being supportive, through direct feedback and asking questions that foster accountability. Educators also learn the most effective methods to resolve common conflicts and receive practice in facilitating effective restorative circles.
Rebecca Gibboney | Coordinator of Professional Learning

Principal Cohort | Form
Facilitated by the BLaST division of Educational Planning, these quarterly meetings are for information sharing, discussion and action planning around relevant K-12 topics with emphasis on current PDE initiatives, curriculum and assessment, school improvement and 21st Century learning networking and collaboration around common initiatives and interests will promote a culture of learning and growth across the BLaST IU footprint.
Parent support local task force | Learn More
The Local Task Force for the Right to Education (LTF) serves parents in Bradford, Lycoming, Sullivan and Tioga Counties. We hope to be able to contribute insightful recommendations that will improve, strengthen and help expand services for students with special needs. We provide resources, referrals, information and networking for and between our members and the community. We desire to foster strong, solid working foundations between parents and their school district’s officials, so that everyone who is invested in the education of a student receiving special education services is able to function as a team to obtain the best possible education for the student.
Caregiver camp: The Grace Space | REGISTER NOW
Join BLaST Intermediate Unit 17 as they host their first Caregiver Camp: The Grace Space. This virtual space is for caregivers, community members and educators to come together to discuss pertinent topics that are on the mind of caregivers. Topics for this event are created and facilitated by caregivers and community members like you!
QPR stands for Question, Persuade, and Refer — the 3 simple steps anyone can learn to help save a life from suicide. Just as people trained in CPR and the Heimlich Maneuver help save thousands of lives each year, people trained in QPR learn how to recognize the warning signs of a suicide crisis and how to question, persuade, and refer someone to help. Each year thousands of Americans, like you, are saying “Yes” to saving the life of a friend, colleague, sibling, or neighbor.
Take some time out of your day to learn about the current best practices when it comes to digital learning and special education. Guest presenter Mark Walz, Attorney with Sweet Stevens Katz & Williams, will share how current legislation and court cases are affecting the use of digital and online learning in regards to providing special education services to students.
BLaST IU 17’s educational consultants are equipped to plan and facilitate administrator and leadership retreats to meet your district needs. Consultants will meet with educational leaders to understand the vision and goals for the retreat and then plan an event where all can come to the table to learn and collaborate.
BLaST IU 17 is launching their informal ecosystem. Educators, caregivers, community members, industry partners, libraries, higher education—all are invited to the table to discuss topics and seek solutions for areas we see in our communities in which we could come together. Specifically, we will be discussing enrichment pathways in careers through STEM experiences for ALL students.
Are brain injuries and concussions affecting your students? Did you know BrainSTEPS (The Brain Injury School Consulting Program) is here to support you? Join us for the BrainSTEPS Nurses’ Roundtable. This will be an hour long opportunity for nurses throughout the BLaST IU 17 region to gain knowledge of supports and resources related to concussion and brain injury, return to learn for students as well as shared open discussions within our group. We will kick off our first session with the background of BrainSTEPS and areas of need based on your students.

Workshop will provide practical training and support in the areas of reading, writing, mathematics, and confidentiality. Participants will take the assessments in these areas designed to fulfill the current requirements of No Child Left Behind for “highly qualified paraprofessionals.” . To be considered Highly Qualified, individuals are required to have (1) of the following: • Have completed at least 2 years of postsecondary study • Possess an associate degree or higher • Pass a rigorous local assessment in reading, writing and mathematics.
Making ends meet for students from poverty series
The vision of the program, Making Ends Meet for Students from Poverty, is to address the opportunity and access gap for economically disadvantaged students. In collaboration with the Lycoming County United Way, this will be done through creating sustainable partnerships and educational resources through a community poverty simulation and a professional development series.
Bring the Missouri Community Action Poverty Simulation to your district and your staff. Participants will build empathy towards the realities faced by low-income individuals. Participants will begin to understand what it might be like to live in a typical low-income family trying to survive from month-to-month. It is a simulation, not a game. The simulation includes an introduction and briefing, the simulation exercise, and a debriefing period for collaboration and reflection.
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) provides a framework for educators to use that provides opportunities to improve and optimize teaching and learning for all students. BLaST IU 17’s Division of Educational Planning is available for 1:1, small group, or district-wide support.
Acadience Reading Mentors will model how to detect K–6 students who are at risk for early reading difficulties in order to provide timely instructional support and prevent the occurrence of later reading difficulties. Acadience Reading K–6 also provides universal screening, detects when students need extra support, is sensitive to effects of intervention and supports the RtI/Multi-tiered model.
To meet learners where they are and truly provide meaningful experiences to enrich their learning, districts have turned to implementation of a Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS). This framework allows educators to provide targeted support, through interventions, for all students and addresses academic and behavioral gaps. BLaST IU 17 consultants are available for district support in the development, implementation, and coaching throughout the MTSS process.
Pennsylvania Institute for Instructional Coaching (PIIC) | REGISTER NOW
The Pennsylvania Institute for Instructional Coaching (PIIC) is a state-wide system of support that enhances the work of school-based instructional coaches. School-based instructional coaches provide professional development for teachers and school leaders focused on refining classroom practices, increasing student engagement, and improving student achievement. Sessions will be designed around PIICs four elements of coaching and include strategies for one-on-one and small group coaching, analyzing data, using evidenced-based literacy/instructional strategies, and strategies to promote reflective practices.
Students being diagnosed with Autism continue to increase every year. At the same time, students with Autism continue to learn in their unique and amazing ways in today’s classrooms. In this two day series, skill area content will be shared so educators should practice with themselves and their students to develop a better understanding and increase a positive classroom culture and environment. These skills are recyclable and should be used throughout the school year. The instruction and strategies may vary from grade to grade and depending on each student since “no two students are the same.” Reflection and networking opportunities will be included throughout the two day series along with how these skills can be bridged into practice.
**Consultative services and Training and Consultation (TaC) services available
and provided for each level of systems of support.
Any questions regarding Accelerated Learning
and Professional Learning Offerings at BLaST Intermediate Unit 17, please contact
Rebecca Gibboney:, or Erin Hamilton: