Requests and access under the Right-to-Know (Open Record) Law shall be governed by the law itself (Act 3 of 2008), as well as BLaST Intermediate Unit’s board policy regarding Public Information and Right-to-Know.


To request information from BLaST IU 17 please use the Standard Right to Know request form prescribed by the Pennsylvania Office of Open Records. Please note that phone requests will not be accepted the Intermediate Unit may choose to deny a request for failure to submit the proper form.

Associated Fees

Copying/Duplicating fees and postage costs of $.25 per photocopy will be assessed on the Requester, as allowed by Section 1307 of Act 3 (a “photocopy” is either a single-sided copy or one side of a double-sided black-and-white copy of a standard 8.5″ x 11″ page). BLaST shall use the fee schedule established by the PA Office of Open Records to determine other costs.

Requester shall pay all fees prior to BLaST IU 17 releasing them to Requester. Requester’s refusal to pay these fees will result in BLaST making them available for review only.


PA Office of Open Records

For more information or to appeal a denial, contact the PA Office of Open Records:

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Office of Open Records
Commonwealth Keystone Building
400 North Street, Plaza Level
Harrisburg, PA 17120-0225

(p) 717-346-9903


Requests should be sent to:

BLaST Intermediate Unit 17
Ms. Cheryl Starr
2400 Reach Road
PO Box 3609
Williamsport, PA  17701