Project Overview and General Information

video cameraThe Inclusive “Best Practices” Project is a collaborative effort among BLaST Intermediate Unit 17, the Pennsylvania Training and Technical Assistance Network (PaTTAN), and participating school districts. The goal of the Project is to create a digital video case library, with accompanying professional development resources, that illustrates exemplary practices in inclusive instructional settings.

Teachers and other school personnel are nominated by their building or district administrators as employing exemplary practices in inclusive settings. Nominations are reviewed by PaTTAN in conjunction with IU representatives, and then nominees are scheduled for video-taping sessions of actual classroom lessons as well as follow-up conferences and interviews.
The content developed through this collaborative project provides web-based, interactive professional development tools and resources for in-service as well as pre-service educators.
Resources for the “Best Practices” Project include Professional Development Modules on various inclusive practices, Best Practices” Videos that complement these modules, and collaborative Book Studies from an extensive selection of books on inclusion from our professional development library.

Click here to view a detailed document that provides information included in the various sections of our Inclusive “Best Practices” Project website.  Feel free to download this document and share it with other educators and parents.


BLaST IU 17:  Project Management including:

  • Coordination of effort
  • Fiscal management
  • Technical  support and coordination
  • Oversight of project coordinator

PaTTAN and IU Representatives: Liaison with respective school districts

  • Solicit  nominations for inclusive practices
  • Review nominations
  • Prepare and distribute information to nominees regarding Project requirements
  • Assist in video review and compilation of case library.

Project Coordinator:

  • Liaison among Intermediate Units, PaTTAN, school districts, and higher education institutions
  • Coordination and scheduling of videotaping sessions
  • General organization including gathering permissions, communication with building administrators and classroom teachers and oversight of videographer
  • Oversee video editing, including review of content, identifying instructional €œbest practices€ from actual classroom lessons, and facilitating conferences and interviews with school and school district personnel
  • Develop and maintain “Best Practices” website that encompasses general project information, forms and surveys for project nominees, a video case library of inclusive best practices, and professional development resources to accompany the video library
  • Present project information to school districts, Intermediate Units, colleges and universities, PaTTAN, and other local, regional, and state organizations

Technical Support: Intermediate Unit 17 Technology Department

  • Provide personnel to videotape lessons
  • Edit tapes after review by Project Coordinator
  • Separate and post video clip content at the direction of the Poject Coordinator and/or with input from Project Planning Team members
  • Manage project equipment including video cameras and accessories, DVD editing peripherals, and servers



PaTTAN Statewide Lead:  Inclusive Practices

Jeannine Brinkley
PaTTAN Pittsburgh
3190 William Pitt Way
Pittsburgh, PA 15238
(412) 826-2336, ext. 6878