Events in September 2020
SunSunday | MonMonday | TueTuesday | WedWednesday | ThuThursday | FriFriday | SatSaturday |
08/30/2020 | 08/31/2020 | 09/01/2020 | 09/02/2020 | 09/03/2020 | 09/04/2020 | 09/05/2020 |
09/06/2020 | 09/07/2020 | 09/08/2020 | 09/09/2020 | 09/10/2020 | 09/11/2020 | 09/12/2020 |
09/13/2020 | 09/14/2020 | 09/15/2020 | 09/16/2020 | 09/17/2020(1 event)8:00 am: QBS ~ Initial Training 8:00 am - 3:30 pm 2400 Reach Road Williamsport, PA 17701 USA 570-323-8561 This training requires demonstration of 18 verbal and physical competencies. Participants should come prepared and willing to demonstrate mastery of each competency. Safety Care Training is a two-full-day training that teaches the goals of safety management, interdisciplinary treatment, creates an understanding of challenging behavior, establishing a safe environment, practicing safety habits, delivering and differential reinforcement. Safety care training teaches incident minimization, de-escalation procedures, incident management (physical safety techniques) and post incident procedures. Notes: This is a physical training. Participants should dress appropriately in loose, comfortable clothing. Please refrain from wearing flip flops, sandals, clogs, or open toed shoes. Athletic shoes such as sneakers are most appropriate. The training will require participants to shuffle backward, twist and turn and transition from a standing to floor position. Participants should only register if they are willing and able to demonstrate the physical competencies. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the facilitator. ** Participants must attend the entire two-day training to receive certification and Act 48 credit. Partial credit will not be awarded. Training limited to 7. Lunch is NOT provided. | 09/18/2020(1 event)8:00 am: QBS ~ Initial Training 8:00 am - 3:30 pm 2400 Reach Road Williamsport, PA 17701 USA 570-323-8561 This training requires demonstration of 18 verbal and physical competencies. Participants should come prepared and willing to demonstrate mastery of each competency. Safety Care Training is a two-full-day training that teaches the goals of safety management, interdisciplinary treatment, creates an understanding of challenging behavior, establishing a safe environment, practicing safety habits, delivering and differential reinforcement. Safety care training teaches incident minimization, de-escalation procedures, incident management (physical safety techniques) and post incident procedures. Notes: This is a physical training. Participants should dress appropriately in loose, comfortable clothing. Please refrain from wearing flip flops, sandals, clogs, or open toed shoes. Athletic shoes such as sneakers are most appropriate. The training will require participants to shuffle backward, twist and turn and transition from a standing to floor position. Participants should only register if they are willing and able to demonstrate the physical competencies. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the facilitator. ** Participants must attend the entire two-day training to receive certification and Act 48 credit. Partial credit will not be awarded. Training limited to 7. Lunch is NOT provided. | 09/19/2020 |
09/20/2020 | 09/21/2020 | 09/22/2020 | 09/23/2020(2 events)8:30 am: School Wide Information Systems 8:30 am - 11:30 am ZOOM none Through SWIS, school staff enter office discipline referrals online. The data are summarized to provide information about individual students, groups of students, or the entire student body over any time period. The reports available within SWIS allow teams to: Review school-wide referral patterns: The five basic reports in SWIS frame the context within which problem behaviors occur at school helping teams to answer these questions: How often do referrals occur? What problem behaviors occur most frequently in our building? Where are problem behaviors most likely to occur? When are problem behaviors most likely to occur? Which students are involved in referrals? Define behavior patterns in greater detail: Eight other reports allow teams to dive into the data, getting more detailed information about specific questions related to the overall school-wide patterns. Using these reports, teams can look at disproportionality by ethnicity, detailed information about individual students’ referral patterns and year-end reports to guide action planning for the upcoming school year. 12:00 pm: SWIS CICO Check In Check Out School-Wide Information System Data Entry Training 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm ZOOM none SWIS CICO provides school staff with an online space to enter CICO point card data easily and efficiently online. Data are summarized across five reports allowing teams to: 1. Monitor individual student progress: Three reports give teams a way to see 1. If each student is meeting his/her goals each day. 2. How each student is doing at each check-in period. 3. The overall impact of plan changes made throughout the course of the intervention. 4. The impact of the intervention on each student’s office discipline referral count. 2. Review the overall integrity and fidelity of the program: Targeted (Tier II) and Universal (Tier I) teams can review two graphs in CICO-SWIS to see: 1. Overall student progress in the targeted intervention. 2. Overall effectiveness of the CICO intervention in the school. | 09/24/2020(2 events) | 09/25/2020 | 09/26/2020 |
09/27/2020 | 09/28/2020 | 09/29/2020 | 09/30/2020(1 event) | 10/01/2020 | 10/02/2020(1 event) | 10/03/2020 |